Wednesday, October 10, 2012

October 9th

This week we took a quiz which means no lecture. I didn't have much to do in the garden either. I weeded and sprayed my plants with thuricide and neem. I accidently sprayed a caterpillar with neem and it died. I also planted my cauliflower. I forgot to plant radishes I guess I have to do that next week :/
I was super excited when I went out into the garden. All of my plants are getting big especially my zucchini and squash. I had to replant my basil and cilantro because they haven't germinated.

When I got home I looked in the fridge and the pantry. All of my food comes from Publix and I don't buy organic food so most of my produce is GMOs. I had tomatoes in the fridge. They're TastiLee because I remember Matt saying we should buy those ones. I make my roommates buy them as well. Most of my food is processed. The only fresh food I have are tomatoes and apples. Which is why I can't wait till I get vegetables from my garden!!

My plot


My sad pepper plant

Cucumbers :)

New baby cauliflower plants

Squash on the top and zucchini on the bottom 





lonely germinated basil

replanted cilantro


so beautiful 


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